How do you know whether your fitness and weight management program is working? We often use the scale as our only indicator. But the scale alone doesn't really tell you whether you are losing fat and gaining muscle.
Performance Improvements - Longer, Faster

For walkers and runners, you can chart your progress in how far and fast you are walking or running, and see your improvements. It is very satisfying to see your total mileage and speed going up. Being able to finish a 10K walk or a half marathon is a wonderful achievement. For icing on the cake, enter a timed event and see how well you do against the clock.
Walking Logs and Trackers
Resting Heart Rate

As your fitness improves, your resting heart rate (RHR) will decrease. Measure your heart rate while still in bed, first thing in the morning. It is easiest to just count how many times your heart beats in one minute (60 seconds). This is typically between 50 to 100 beats in one minute (bpm). Athletes have lower resting heart rates, while sedentary people have higher resting heart rates.
Measuring Body Fat Distribution

The waist to hip ratio (WHR) tells you whether you are achieving a healthier body fat distribution, whether you are losing weight or not. Research is finding that your abdominal fat is an indicator of higher risk for diseases such as metabolic syndrome and chronic heart failure. Measure your waist and then your hips, and divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement (units don't matter, you can use either inches or centimeters). In women, the ratio should be 0.8 or less, and in men it should be 1.0 or less.
Waist to Hip Ratio and Heart Attack Risk
Measuring Total Body Fat

You can measure your total body fat with several methods, including a body fat scale, skinfold test with calipers, immersion test, or taking several measurements and calculating. This body fat measurement is a better indicator than simply weighing yourself. For women, 21 to 24 percent is a good fitness level, and up to 31 percent is acceptable. Above 32 percent is considered obese.
Body Fat Calculators
Measuring Body Fat
Body Mass Index

Using your height and weight and a simple calculator can give you your Body Mass Index - BMI. This is a quick indicator that doesn't tell the whole story, since those who are muscular will still have a higher BMI, one that would indicate a false obesity. Tracking your BMI will mostly track your weight loss, as you are unlikely to lose or gain height.
Normal: 18.5 to 24.9
Overweight: 25 to 29.9
Obese: 30 and over


Nicklas BJ, Cesari M, Penninx BW, Kritchevsky SB, Ding J, Newman A, Kitzman DW, Kanaya AM, Pahor M, Harris TB. "Abdominal obesity is an independent risk factor for chronic heart failure in older people." J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006 Mar;54(3):413-20.

Dieting can become a bad habit, and crash diets can be very harmful to your health. In addition, they are also very ineffective for weight loss long term.

Generally people use plans during a temporary period in which they tend to lose X amount of pounds.
It is only the combination of high school in three months or the beach trip in two weeks and want to look fabulous in your bathing suit.

You start a weight loss by yourself starving and depriving your body of food they need and they love to eat.
Then when you are quite satisfied and / or tired of not being able to eat your favorite foods, you return to your old eating habits and end up putting more weight then you had before.
A few months later, you are tired of your body and try yet another diet to prepare for the next big event you want to look great. The strict diet starts again. It's an endless cycle.
Sound familiar?
This is called the rebound effect and it is terrible for your body because it affects the metabolism in the long run and you end up gaining weight even faster each time.
Ultimately ...

Diets do not work.
A new way of thinking

If you want to lose weight, forget the diet. The word "diet" seems too temporary and is often associated with fashion or as a crash diet plans like South Beach, Atkins, etc. Incidentally, I do not endorse any of them.

Why not adopt a new sentence at the site - new eating habits. In other words, make permanent decisions to reduce certain foods and replace them with new ones.
Of course, you treat yourself from time to time with your favorite foods. You should never completely deprive yourself of everything. Besides, if you're eating healthy 80% of the time, the cone of ice cream occasional will not kill you.
It is a change of permanent lifestyle and eliminates kickback when your weight goes up and down like a yo-yo.
You may ask yourself .... "But what if I want to lose weight fast?"
If you lose weight too quickly, which probably means that you yourself are starving and / or do not receive the necessary nutrients your body needs to be healthy. It is never good, no matter how much weight you lose.
In addition, weight loss happens too quickly can seriously screw up your metabolism and make you gain weight faster than you did before, if you start eating food again wrong.
I get emails all the time about how someone he can lose 30 pounds in 2 months. It is simply not realistic, it is not healthy. You must give it time.
The key to good health, in terms of effective weight loss is one that systematically cut saturated fats, involves the exercise at least 3 days / week and increase the amount of protein and fiber you consume. And yes, it takes time.
You should also be eating more meals, more often because digestion actually helps boost your metabolism. (Be sure you eat the right foods, though).
So ignore these plans fad diet that you eat two meals a day or completely cut all carbs and fats.
Believe it or not, we do not need carbohydrates and fats in our body. The problem comes when we have too much. They are not as bad for you if you eat them in moderation.
As I already said, you can still eat the foods you love. Yes, I'm talking about ice cream, cookies, cakes, etc ... Again moderation is
If you completely deprive yourself of the foods you like best, you get bored and run the risk of returning to your old eating habits.
Making Healthy Choices

With new eating habits simply means making better food choices. It seems much better than plans, and it does not mean that you yourself are starving.

Here are some ideas for changes you can make little peu.Rappelez you, this is not a diet plan, it is a permanent way of life that you have to stick to from now on, while rewarding you with your favorite treat from time to time.
And here's the best part ... You will lose weight! Accompany this new diet with exercise and you will lose more.
Eat whole grain bread instead of white bread
Drink skim milk or soy milk instead of whole milk. Soy milk is very healthy heart and a lot of protein.
Eat brown rice instead of white rice
Drink water instead of soda
eat turkey bacon instead of pork bacon
Drink fruit juice with little or no sugar instead of sweet juice
To eat oat cereal rather high sugar content
Eat baked potato chips rather than regular potato chips
Eat popcorn (stove or hot air burst) instead of microwave
Need a snack? Eating almonds instead of potato chips. If you must eat potato chips, choose brands less fat and eat less of them
Eat whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta
When you buy meat, choose leaner varieties
When you go to a fast food restaurant for chicken, grilled or salad. Many offer fast food restaruants salads and healthier choices now.
Choose one day a week where you can eat what you want! (This is very important and helps prevent burnout.) Just make sure not to overdo it. ;)
Notice I did not say that you starve yourself. You're just making healthier choices with the foods you eat in progress.
Also, take a copy of the Book Abs Diet. It gives advice on the terrible kinds of foods you should and should not eat for a flat stomach and a fabulous figure. It also includes many ideas for healthy meals and desserts.
Another alternative is to enroll in a meal delivery service. DietToGo deliver fresh and healthy food directly to your home.
You may find that when your meals are already selected and prepared for you, you will be less likely to make bad food choices.
What Calories?

Now, you may ask to count calories.

Well, if you like healthier food choices above you will naturally your intake of calories (and fat) because the alternative food, I suggested less of them.
Also, when you eat out, eat half of the meal instead of trying to devour everything. Add the rest for lunch or dinner the next day. Portion control is very important.
So when the pounds start to throw and someone asks you if you were on a diet? Tell them that you're not on a diet, you just have developed better eating habits. :)
Keep your weight under control is not about dieting or from the latest craze crash when diet books begin to return sur.Il is to change your eating habits for life! Your body and your metabolism will reward you in the long run.

The stomach area, it’s one area that every person I know frets about. Whether they need to lose 5 pounds or 50, my friends are always on a quest to find the perfect flat stomach exercises. But what exactly is the perfect flat stomach exercise?
[There are easier ways to get a flat stomach...trust us. And keep reading!]
The best flat stomach exercises
The best flat stomach exercises ever are exercises that, when combined with a healthy diet, work all the areas around your midsection as well as your stomach. Simply doing 1,000 crunches each day won’t do the trick; you need well-rounded stomach exercises that focus on working all of those muscles…not just the ones you want to show off!

Flat Stomach Exercise #1–Captain’s Chair

The captain chair is a great flat stomach exercise because it allows you to increase your abdominal strength as well as tone the muscles. There are many different variations of stomach exercises that can be done on the Captain’s Chair, allowing you to get a complete abdominal workout.
The key to the Captain’s Chair without injury is to NEVER swing your legs or use momentum from swinging your legs to bring them inward. This will practically guarantee a back injury and no real results for your stomach. Keeping your knees bent during the captain’s chair make sure you keep focused on your abs rather than those hip flexors.
[The captain's chair is a great way to learn to control your stomach muscles while you tone them.]
A flat stomach is just steps away with the captain’s chair. Simply stand on the equipment with your back to the machine and hold the cushioned grips with your hands. Next, contract the abs in order to raise your legs & knees to your chest. Exhale as you lower your legs back to starting position. Do at least 2 sets with 15 repetitions.

Flat Stomach Exercise #2–Pelvic Thrust

Pelvic Thrust
I know that pelvic thrusts are the least favorite flat stomach exercises on the planet, but they are also very effective. When done correctly pelvic thrusts give your lower abdominal muscles a nice workout. The pelvic thrust is recommended because the lower abs are often the forgotten stepchild of all abdominal muscles. Most people focus so much on the “six pack abs” that they often forget about the part of the belly just south of the six pack.
To do pelvic thrusts, lie down on your back with your knees bent. Place your arms on the floor with the palm touching the floor and tighten your stomach muscles. BREATHE. Lift your pelvis straight up toward the sky while keeping the lower part of your back on the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly lower yourself down to starting position. Do 2 sets of pelvic thrusts at least 3 times each week. Your repetitions should be no less than 10 and no more than 20 to get a flat stomach.

Flat Stomach Exercise #3–Swimming

Swimming for a flat stomach has the added benefit of being a great cardiovascular workout, which is a crucial step in weight loss. No matter how good or bad of a swimmer you are, hitting the pool for laps is one of the best flat stomach exercises you can do! To get the best possible stomach workout do the butterfly stroke, breast stroke, or back stroke as these moves work the stomach muscles most when done properly.
If you don’t swim that well but you still want an alternative flat stomach exercise, consider using a kick board. Lie on your back as if floating and hold the kick board to your chest for stability. Kick the water as hard as you can (without straining) for an awesome stomach exercise. Just make sure to keep your feet and legs close to the surface of the water to get the most effective flat stomach exercise.

Flat Stomach Exercise #4–Cardio

Ok so cardio isn’t exactly a specific exercise, but the truth is that there isn’t just one exercise that’ll give you a flat stomach. You can do tons of abdominal exercises to flatten that tummy, but as long as you have excess fat around your stomach it will never be totally flat. Choose any type of cardiovascular exercises that you want and perform it for at least 30 minutes each day, no less than 3 days per week.
To get a flat stomach you will first need to burn off the fat that’s hiding the flat, and that requires cardio. However as you burn with cardio, you should be toning with resistance training like the flat stomach exercises listed above. The good thing about cardio is that you can choose how you do it. Outdoorsy types will choose exercises like running, hiking, or speed walking while those who prefer mirrors and air conditioning will opt for elliptical machines, treadmills, or racquetball. Without a proper dose of cardio, your flat stomach dreams are way in the future…

Flat Stomach Exercise #5–The Crunch

The Crunch
Cardiovascular exercise is crucial to having a flat stomach, but abdominal crunches are a great way to tone the stomach muscles. This is the go-to exercise for people the world over with a belly fat surplus, the only problem is that crunches are the ONLY exercise most people do to flatten their stomachs. The reason the crunch is such an effective flat stomach exercise is because when done correctly, it uses the stomach muscles to raise your upper body off the ground. When done incorrectly, the abdominal crunch leaves you with a stiff neck and sore shoulders.

[Crunches are the best flat stomach exercises ever because when done correctly (as you can see) they work effectively and minimize injury.]
The best flat stomach exercises

The crunch requires you to lay face up on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest or rest them at the base of your neck and tighten your stomach muscles to lift you off the ground. You should lift yourself until your shoulder blades are no longer touching the floor. Avoid getting dizzy by exhaling as you lift up and inhale as your shoulders return to the floor.
Crunches are also the best flat stomach exercise because there are tons of variations. You can do the reverse crunch, the oblique crunch, the ball crunch, the bicycle crunch, or even the vertical leg crunch just to name a few. The abdominal crunch allows you variation to avoid boredom and to work all the abdominal muscles for the best chance at the flat stomach you’ve always wanted.
Just remember that exercise alone won’t give you a flat stomach, it also requires the following:
1. Cardio
 2. Flat Stomach Exercises
 3. Healthy diet
 4. Consistency

Crunch Ball exercice Crunch Ball exercice La boule d'exercice est un excellent outil pour renforcer les abdominaux et le troisième mouvement le plus efficace pour cibler le droit de l'abdomen. Ce qui rend cette démarche un peu plus efficaces que les croque sur le sol, c'est que les jambes sont souvent impliqués dans des craquements de plancher. Sur la balle, l'abs faire plus de travail. Comment:Allongez-vous sur le ballon, le positionnant sous le bas du dos. Croisez les bras sur la poitrine ou les placer derrière la tête. Contractez vos abdominaux pour soulever le torse de la balle, tirant sur le fond de votre cage thoracique vers le bas vers les hanches. Comme vous détendez-vous, garder le ballon stable (c.-à-la balle ne doit pas rouler). Bas du dos vers le bas, d'obtenir un étirement dans les abdos, et répétez pour le 1-3 séries de 12-16 reps.

English: an exercise of abs
English: an exercise of abs (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Dans le curl-up d'évaluation, l'objectif est de compléter autant de redressements assis à un rythme conçu. Le montant maximal de repetitons on peut effectuer est de 75.
Le protocole a été adapté à partir d'une version par Massicote (1990). Cette version d'un sit-up est plus efficace que le sit-up réguliers en rai
Crunch your way to tighter abs
son de l'absence de torsion et l'absence de contrainte qu'il met sur celles de derrière.
qui vous permettra d'obtenir davantage de répétitions.
 Peformance: Vous voulez de mentir en position couchée sur le tapis. Vos genoux doivent être pliés à un angle de 140 degrés et les pieds à plat sur le sol. Les jambes sont légèrement écartées et les bras sont droites parallèles à la malle avec les paumes de vos mains reposant de la natte. Ensuite, vous souhaitez placer une bande de mesure sous les jambes de la personne, alors quand il ou elle vient de la curl-up de leurs doigts se touchent le bord de celui-ci. La bande doit être 4 1 / 2 pouces du bout des doigts des artistes. Alors vous voulez placer un morceau de papier derrière la tête, donc vous savez qu'ils sont à venir tout en bas et de remplir correctement l'évaluation. Le document devrait crise. Pas en contact avec le papier au cours de la partie excentrée de la repetiton se traduira par une "gâcher". Nous allons avoir deux évaluations pour cet exercice.

première évaluation = Juillet 12th

deuxième évaluation = 26 juillet

Les chiffres pour les gars et les filles seront différents.

23 ou moins = à améliorer

24-46 = santé

46 ou plus = Fit


18 ou moins = Besoin d'amélioration

19-35 = santé

35 ou plus = Fit

 Le tronçon parfait à utiliser avant que l'évaluation curl-up est l'ascenseur le tronc qui s'étend sur vos abdominaux. Vous voulez également d'intégrer shoudler hausse les épaules comme un étirement. La boucle se livre un grand nombre de muscles au niveau des muscles trapèzes sur l'aspect concentrique de la repetiton, si vous voulez absolument assouplir cette partie de votre corps 

Il existe de nombreuses variantes à l'curl-up que l'on peut faire pour se préparer à cette évaluation.


-Jambe soulève


extensions de la jambe (à plat sur le tapis)

tord-oblique Si vous effectuez au moins 2 de ces mouvements par jour de 4 jeux de repetitons autant que vous le pouvez, votre cÅ“ur va certainement se développer.

Cet article traite une partie du test de conditionnement physique dans toutes les branches du service. Il s'agit d'un élément de l'essai que de nombreuses personnes, soit à peine passer ou tout simplement échouer. Le sit-up ou curl-up est également un exercice aussi aisé pour le maximum de points pour, mais vous devez pratiquer cet exercice plusieurs fois par semaine pour atteindre ce résultat. 

Voici une question d'un de recrues de l'Armée se prépare pour Boot Camp:
"J'ai une question à propos d'UPS curl. Pouvez-vous expliquer la technique adéquate permettant de produire les résultats les plus efficaces?
Dans le milieu militaire que vous avez à croiser les bras sur votre poitrine et toucher vos coudes sur vos genoux lors de la position «haute», et déposez vos lames les épaules au sol dans la position "basse". Vous ne pouvez alors que dans le reste position «haute».
Placez vos pieds à plat sur le sol et levez les genoux. Il est préférable de commencer avec les talons de vos pieds environ 12-18 cm de votre croupe.
Sit-ups ou Curl-ups
Allongez-vous sur le dos avec vos bras croisés sur la poitrine, en gardant les genoux légèrement fléchis. Soulevez le haut du corps sur le sol en fléchissant les muscles abdominaux. Touchez vos coudes à vos cuisses et répéter. Au cours de la PFT, il y aura quelqu'un de comptage et de tenir vos pieds pour vous.
La chose la plus importante est de votre rythme de redressements assis. Trop souvent les gens partent trop vite et ne environ 30-40 dans les 30 premières secondes et ne pas être en mesure d'obtenir dans les 30-40 prochaines 01h30 dans un test de 2:00. Cela me dit que vous avez commencé trop vite. Si votre objectif est de 80-100 dans une période de 02h00, vous devez vous rythme à 20-25 en 30 secondes et 40-50 à 1:00.
La façon dont je le faire est le train avec l'horloge quand les abdos dans mon entraînement. Essayez 2-3 sets de situps chronométré à 01h00 - trouver le rythme qui correspond à vos points de but. Puis, essayez de 4-5 séries de 30 secondes chronométrées situps. Essayez de maintenir le rythme à chaque fois.
Dès que vous commencez à la fatigue et que vous pensez ne peut pas faire plus de redressements assis, faites glisser votre croupe environ 4-6 centimètres de vos pieds. Cela créera un angle différent entre les muscles du ventre et les jambes et vous devriez être capable de faire tourner un situps 5-10 plus dans votre dernier 20-30 secondes.
Pour conserver l'endurance abdominale dans le test de redressements assis, que vous exercer sur le "haut" partie de l'exercice et laisser la gravité vous prendre vers le bas si votre omoplates touchent le sol. Souvent, les gens gardent leur abs fléchi pendant la descente et les déchets trop d'énergie. Cette erreur et le manque de rythme sont les deux principaux coupables de bons résultats sur le curl-ups ou de tester des sit-ups. Bien sûr, il manque un bon entraînement 4-5 fois par semaine vous empêcher de faire aussi bien que vous pourriez dans le test de conditionnement physique ainsi.
par : Stew Smith


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